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The “Saved!” badge shows that OrderSaver is working for you.

Noel avatar
Written by Noel
Updated over a week ago

OrderSaver is like an extra shop employee, working 24/7 to help make sure your customers complete their online purchases. Here’s how it works: 

  • Your customer selects a product from your Lovingly Store and adds it to their shopping cart, showing that they intend to make a purchase. 

  • After entering the checkout, your shopper then shows behavior that implies they are leaving your website - for example, they spend an unusually long amount of time on the page, or make specific movements within the cart.

  • Lovingly’s state-of-the-art technology detects the mouse movements and behaviors that predict an exit from the site without a purchase.

  • This Order Saver feature leaps into action by offering a time-sensitive coupon for 5% off the customer’s current order. The coupon gives your customer an incentive to complete their order NOW.

  • Every order saved will be marked with the Lovingly OrderSaver badge. Every time you see the badge, you know OrderSaver is working to save your orders.

Plus, OrderSaver recognizes repeat customers, so your shoppers will not be offered the incentive more than once.
Order Saver works independently of existing coupons you may have enabled, but it's unlikely that two coupons will be used, since OrderSaver only activates when the customer is leaving your checkout without making a purchase.

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