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Edit a default homepage product schedule

Add or remove products or flags featured in a default homepage product schedule.

Amy N avatar
Written by Amy N
Updated over a week ago

You can easily personalize your Lovingly Shop homepage to show off your own unique style. 

First, click the “Customizations” icon (the bottom icon) on the Lovingly Account menu. If you have PIN protection enabled, you’ll need to enter your PIN in order to access the customization options. 

In customizations, you’ll see several options under Content Scheduling and Website Branding. Click “Homepage Products” to access your homepage product schedule. 

The page will automatically load your currently active homepage product schedule, indicated by the green LIVE above the product list. 

Below your currently active schedule, you’ll also see upcoming default and custom schedules. 

You can click on any upcoming schedule to view and edit the products that will be on your homepage during future timeframes.

Editing Homepage Products

To change the products that display on your Lovingly Shop homepage, first select the default schedule you’d like to modify (current or future). Then click the pink “Edit” button on the upper right-hand corner.

In Edit mode, you can remove, add, and rearrange products. Note: You cannot edit the name or date range for default schedules.

Conversion Rate Note: In order to greet your customers with the best experience on your homepage, the Homepage Product Management tool allows you to place between 6 and 15 products on your homepage. This way your customers can see a range of products you offer but are not overwhelmed by these promoted products. We recommend using all 15 product spaces!

If you have 15 products already set to display, you’ll see “15/15” indicated and you’ll need to remove products before adding new ones. 

To remove a product from your homepage, click the Options (it looks like three stacked dots) on the top right corner of the product you’ll like to remove and select “Remove Product.” The product will return to the left side, product bank, removing it from your homepage only – the product is still enabled on your site. 

Once you have below 15 products, at the bottom of your scheduled products you’ll see empty areas for each product space that's available, and the left-hand “Add Selected” button will be enabled. 

To add a product to your homepage, go to the left side of your screen to the product bank. The product bank will reflect all of your enabled products not already included in the schedule you're editing. You can type the name or SKU number of a specific product into the search bar, select the Filters icon to apply product filters (like categories and flower type), or start selecting products to add directly from the bank. 

To select a product to add to your schedule, just click on it in the product bank. Once selected, a product will be highlighted and show a pink checkbox. You can select as many products as you’d like and then click “Add Selected” to add those products to your schedule. They will be added to the bottom of the schedule in the order you selected them. 

To rearrange the products on your homepage, click a product and drag it to the position you want. The order your products show here in Lovingly Account is the order they will show on your homepage. 

Adding Product Flags

For each homepage schedule, you have a total of six product flags you can add. At the top of your homepage schedule in edit mode, you will see a tally for each of the flags (how many you have in use/out of how many are available). 

To add a tag, click the three stacked dots (options) on a product, hover over “Mark as” and click the tag that you'd like to add to that product. To remove a tag, hover again on “Mark as” and you will see the bottom option is “Remove Tag.” 

If you cannot click a product flag (the text is grayed out and can’t be selected), that means you’re already using all the available flags for that text. You’ll need to remove that flag from another product in order to add it to a new one. 

Conversion Rate Note: Product flags will immediately draw your customer’s eye! Make sure to add some flags to pull customers in and encourage them to click.

Once you are happy with the products, the order they’re displaying in, and the flag selections, click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes and exit edit mode. 

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