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Set up Florist's Choice ONLY

Florist's Choice ONLY lets you promote or exclusively sell Florist’s Choice on your website.

George Schlieben avatar
Written by George Schlieben
Updated over 3 years ago

Florist's Choice ONLY (formerly Lovingly Exclusive) allows you to temporarily switch your online product selection guide to ONLY display the Florist's Choice product option. This helps keep your business running anytime you're low on inventory, time, and/or staff—but especially during busy holidays.

Prefer to give gifters more options? Use Florist's Choice PLUS to temporarily limit your selection guide to the Florist's Choice product plus up to eight more that you pick.

*This video refers to Florist's Choice ONLY as Lovingly Exclusive. An updated video is coming soon!

With Florist's Choice ONLY, you have two options:

Promoted: Florist’s Choice will be promoted to your shoppers first, but they can also order your regular products for delivery or pick up during the activated date range.

Exclusive: Florist’s Choice will be the only product that shoppers can purchase for delivery or pick up during the activated date range.

To set up this feature:

Navigate to the Florist's Choice ONLY section of your Customization Controls. 

The themes you see will depend on the time of year. The Limited Inventory theme is available year round. Three other themes—Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Christmas—are available at select times. Click the pink pencil next to the theme you’d like to configure. This puts you in Edit mode, so you can configure the settings for that theme. 

First, select the dates from the available date range that you’d like to use Florist's Choice ONLY. 

Next, choose the behavior of the Florist's Choice ONLY theme—Promoted, which means shoppers can still select other products, or Exclusive, which means shoppers can only purchase Florist’s Choice for the date range. 

Then, when you’ve configured your settings, select “Enabled” to schedule the theme. Once the theme is marked Enabled, it will automatically activate on the first day of the date range you selected.  

Lastly, don’t forget to click SAVE to save your changes! 

Repeat these steps to configure each holiday as needed. 

When should you use Florist's Choice ONLY? 

To give customers the best selection you can support, use your regular Lovingly Store as long as possible. Use the Promoted configuration when you’re starting to run low on specific flowers, and use the Exclusive configuration when you’d otherwise have to stop accepting orders entirely. 

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